
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Trading/Investing Educational Reviews

Every trader, including myself, at some point in his/her trading career has been searching for the 'holy grail' strategies to make money in the market. In this pursuit, I stumbled upon many educational organizations that are selling basic educations about the market, trading systems with eye popping track records, charting software, personal coaching, etc. I will review several investing/trading education firms that I have personally experienced. 

You can actually see common themes with these firms. They offer free online webinars or introductory classes in hotels. In this event, they will tell you the big picture of the market, how it works, etc. They will introduce some misleading myths about trading the market and propose that they have the correct data/statistics about what is really going on in the market. 

So they will educate you with very basic and general information. And then, they will be sympathetic with your condition, e.g., how old retirees living in the U.S. actually ran out of their retirement money, how buying GM shares 50 years ago and holding it today will actually lose money instead of making money, etc.

They will then introduce their systems and the history of the systems. They will instill some hope in you to get you into the market by teaching several basic strategies that can generate big money without emphasizing the risk of the strategies. However, there are a few firms that will tell you about the risk of trading strategies. These firms tend to exaggerate the risk and instill fear in you to not trading by yourself by selling personal coaching programs, live trading assistance, etc. And all of the firms are up-selling their programs although some of them are claiming only charged one time fee for all strategies.

I have personal opinions on the following firms:

1. Spread Trade Systems
2. Options University
3. Optionetics
4. Red Option
5. Option Planet
6. Investools
7. Price Headley Big Trends

If you have questions about these firms, please feel free to leave your questions in the comments section. I will try to answer it as much as possible.

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